Thursday, November 28, 2019
Process Essay Sample Boosts Your Accomplishments
Process Essays Sample Prompts Process Description The task of the process essay sample is to explain the peculiarities and key points of this kind of academic writing. The students who have to complete this work should be precisely aware of the demands and requirements that are set before them. Hence, it follows that the problem of process description has to be very close and interesting for the writer. So, if the process essay is an essay where some directions and instruction of certain work accomplishment are presented, then the process essay sample is a research paper that clarifies the plan and steps of the activity and in addition to that describes the final results of the procedure. The various types of essays require different skills and knowledge and what concerns the process paper the author has to be experienced in the particular topic of writing. The simple informative description is not the way out in this case. Structure of Essay Writing Essay writing could be considered completed in a good way if the following requirements are preserved: The reader can easily and comfortably read the thesis and is familiar with the topic of explanation; All instructions are organized in a simple, understandable way because the goal of this term paper writing is to assist the reader through his way of a particular procedure accomplishment; The research paper should provide a description of the final results of the process performing or at least the desirable one; Besides the indication of the outcome, it is greatly recommended to describe the possible and typical mistakes which could occur while activity conduction. It is useful for the prevention of some negative results. Everyone also should clearly remember about the structure of the process essay writing. As usual, the main questions, the significance of this work and also possible mistakes during the process completion have to be introduced at the beginning of the essay. The main part consists of the precise explanation of the steps which require the proper procedure performing and it is very important to present this in an as much understandable way as possible. And the final stage is the conclusion where the main suggestions and summaries are included. In any case, you can always use essay writing service which is a competent expert with a qualified team of custom essay writers. Essay writers are experts in different academic fields and thereââ¬â¢s no problem for them to provide high-quality process essay even without using process essay sample. They are trained to complete complicated research papers, term papers, and even dissertations. So you do not have to worry if you need a highly complicated academic task as these professionals are always ready to help you.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Documentacin para solicitar el ajuste de estatus
Documentacin para solicitar el ajuste de estatus Para solicitar el ajuste de estatus hay que tener una serie de documentos que se han de enviar junto a la peticià ³n. Antes de tramitar el ajuste, asegurarse de poseer toda la documentacià ³n que se pide para todo tipo de solicitantes y tambià ©n la especà fica para la categorà a dentro de la que cae cada extranjero que pide convertirse en residente permanente mediante este beneficio inmigratorio. Destacar que el ajuste de estatus permite a un migrante presente ya en Estados Unidos cambiar su situacià ³n migratoria y adquirir la condicià ³n de residente permanente y, por tanto, en poseedor de una tarjeta de residencia, conocida como green card. Pero es muy importante conocer quià ©nes lo pueden pedir y quià ©nes no pueden gozar de este beneficio.à En este artà culo se informa sobre: documentos que deben presentar todos los solicitantesdocumentos que sà ³lo se presentan segà ºn el caso de cada unodocumentos que debe presentarse sà ³lo si se pide el ajuste de estatus por determinadas categorà asquà © hacer con los documentos relativos a posibles faltas y/o delitos Quà © documentos se deben adjuntar con la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus La peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus debe ir acompaà ±ada de una serie de papelerà a de apoyo.à Existen unos requisitos comunes para todo tipo de peticià ³n de ajuste, que son los siguientes. Adems, leer al final del artà culo los especà ficos para la situacià ³n de cada migrante. Ya que no es lo mismo solicitar el ajuste por, por ejemplo, peticià ³n de esposo que es ciudadano, a pedirlo por asilo.à Formulario de peticià ³n Para solicitar el ajuste de Estatus, la planilla a completar es la I-485. Se puede encontrar gratuitamente de la pgina oficial de Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Utilizar siempre la à ºltima versià ³n, es decir, la que està © en esa pgina justo cuando se realiza la solicitud.à Pago El cheque para el pago debe hacerse a nombre del Department of Homeland Security. El costo actual varà a segà ºn las circunstancias de cada solicitante. Asà : Menores de 14 aà ±os que solicitan ajuste de estatus con al menos uno de sus padres: $635.Menores de 14 aà ±os que no solicitan con ninguno de sus padres: $985.Entre 14 y 78 aà ±os: $985 ms $85 para datos biomà ©tricos. Total: $107079 o ms aà ±os: $985.Refugiados: nada, ya que es gratuito.Las personas que piden ajuste de estatus para ellas mismas en aplicacià ³n de VAWA por violencia domà ©stica pueden solicitar una waiver para no pagar la tarifa de la solicitud si cumplen una serie de requisitos. Esto tambià ©n aplica a los solicitantes de la Visa T de trfico de personas, por la visa U de violencia, por el registry o por el programa de Inmigrantes Juveniles Especiales (SIJ). Certificado de nacimiento Basta con una copia legible del mismo, pero debe contar con el sello de la autoridad que lo emite y cumplir con una serie de requisitos. Si est en un idioma distinto al inglà ©s, debe ser traducido y acompaà ±ado por una carta de certificacià ³n de la traduccià ³n. Fotografà as Dos fotos idà ©nticas tipo pasaporte tomadas en los 30 dà as anteriores a enviar la solicitud. Escribir con un lpiz en el reverso el nombre del beneficiado y si tiene un alien registration number, incluirlo. Visas no inmigrantes En los casos en los que una Embajada o consulado americano haya emitido al extranjero una visa no inmigrante en los 365 dà as anteriores a enviar la solicitud del ajuste de estatus, incluir en la documentacià ³n la fotocopia legible de la pgina en la que est estampada la visa. Informacià ³n biogrfica Si se tiene entre 14 y 79 aà ±os, completar y adjuntar la planilla G-325 A. Rà ©cord mà ©dico y de vacunas Para ello hay que utilizar la planilla I-693. Estas son las reglas que rigen para el examen mà ©dico para obtener la residencia permanente. Si bien hay excepciones a la obligacià ³n de pasar por un examen mà ©dico. En primer lugar, para los refugiados, para quienes en la mayorà a de los casos es suficiente completar la porcià ³n del formulario dedicada a las vacunas. Asimismo, los prometidos de ciudadanos americanos y sus descendientes que han pasado un examen mà ©dico en el à ºltimo aà ±o antes de viajar a Estados Unidos al solicitar una visa K no tienen que presentar otro ms. Bastar con que acrediten las vacunas. Finalmente, tampoco debern someterse a un examen mà ©dico las personas que hayan vivido en Estados Unidos desde enero de 1972 y que està ©n ajustando su estatus por lo que se conoce como el registry. Evidencia de estatus migratorio en Estados Unidos Enviar una copia legible del documento que se conoce como I-94, registro de entrada y de salida. La copia debe ser por ambos lados.à Si se ha ingresado a los Estados Unidos con una tarjeta de cruce, conocida tambià ©n como visa lser, enviar una copia de la misma tambià ©n por los dos lados. Finalmente, si no se tiene ese rà ©cord de registro de entrada y de salida, realmente es el momento de hablar con un abogado ya que en muchas ocasiones, aunque no en todas, esto puede ser el origen de grandes problemas con las autoridades de Inmigracià ³n.à Notificacià ³n de que se ha recibido el paqueteà Si se desea, es posible pedirle al USCIS que confirme por sms o por correo electrà ³nico que se ha recibido la peticià ³n para el ajuste de estatus. Para ello, completar la planilla que se conoce como G-1145. Documentos para acompaà ±ar a la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus, segà ºn la categorà a Dependiendo de la razà ³n por la que el solicitante puede pedir el ajuste de estatus se deben incluir ms documentos en el mismo paquete de peticià ³n. A continuacià ³n, los diferentes casos. Las personas que ajustan su estatus por peticià ³n de un familiar Los ciudadanos y los residentes permanentes pueden solicitar a familiares que caen dentro de determinados grados de parentesco. Pero no todos pueden ajustar su estatus y à ©ste es un punto fundamental que debe de ser tenido en cuenta antes de enviar los papeles a Inmigracià ³n. Adems, si se est en una categorà a que est sujeta a là mites anuales de casos aprobados, verificar el boletà n de visas ms reciente para asegurarse de que ya se puede solicitar el ajuste. Si se cumplen todos los requisitos, se debe incluir en la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus un affidavit of support que tambià ©n se conoce con el nombre de declaracià ³n de sostenimiento. Para ello hay que completar el formulario I-864. Adems, si se trata de una peticià ³n realizada por un ciudadano estadounidense para su cà ³nyuge, padres o hijo soltero menor de 21 aà ±os, incluir el formulario I-130 o, si ya se envià ³ con anterioridad, incluir copia de la carta que se recibià ³ del USCIS con el nombre de I-797 Notice of Action donde se confirma que el I-130 ha sido aprobado. En todos los dems casos por peticià ³n de un familiar enviar copia del I-797 de que el I-130 que se presentà ³ est aprobado y asegurarse de que la fecha de prioridad est al corriente en la categorà a que aplica a la persona que se pide. Esto se hace consultando el à ºltimo boletà n de visas. Las personas que buscan el ajuste por peticià ³n laboral Adjuntar una carta oficial del empleador en la que se declara, entre otras cosas, el salario que se paga y en la que confirma que sigue existiendo ese puesto de trabajo para el que se solicita ese trabajador extranjero. La carta debe estar redactada en papel oficial de la empresa. Copia de la carta recibida por USCIS en la que se confirma que la peticià ³n de un trabajador extranjero solicitada mediante el formulario I-140 ha sido aprobada. Si la fecha de prioridad en la categorà a a la que pertenece el inmigrante pedido est al corriente entonces es posible enviar el I-140 conjuntamente con la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus. Asimismo, si la empresa que pide un empleado extranjero es en un cinco por ciento o ms propiedad de la familia del pedido entonces ser necesario completar el formulario I-864, que es una declaracià ³n jurada de sostenimiento. Si la persona para la que se pide el ajuste de estatus est en los Estados Unidos con una visa H-1B o una L-1, enviar prueba de estatus. Finalmente, son necesarias copias de pagos de salario recientes, deà certificados de estudios, cuando son necesarios y de que el Departamento de Trabajo ha aprobado el Certificado Laboral.à Asilados Copia de la carta o del I-94 en el que consta que se le ha concedido esa condicià ³n. Ajuste derivado Para cà ³nyuges e hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os de otra persona que pide el ajuste y ellos tambià ©n pueden pedirlo de forma derivada en virtud de su relacià ³n familiar. Estas personas deben enviar en su peticià ³n las copias de los documentos que prueben la relacià ³n entre el beneficiario principal y el derivado, como certificados de matrimonio, partidas de nacimiento, adopcià ³n, etc. Asimismo, incluir evidencia de que la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus del beneficiario principal ha sido enviada al USCIS o ha sido aprobada. Ajuste de estatus por el registry Aportar toda la documentacià ³n que sirva para probar el caso y demostrar la presencia en el paà s desde el 1 de enero de 1972. Personas que solicitan ajuste por perdà ³n 245 (i) Los migrantes indocumentados que pueden beneficiarse de la medida conocida como 245 (i) deben enviar tambià ©n el formulario que se conoce como I-485 Supplement A. Visas T o Visas U Los migrantes que solicitan el ajuste de estatus porque tienen una visa T por trfico humano o una visa U por haber sido và ctima de cierto tipo de violencia deben enviar tambià ©n con su aplicacià ³n el Supplement E del formulario I-485 y toda la documentacià ³n adicional que se pide en dicha planilla. Extranjeros en las categorà as de SIJ o inmigrantes militares especiales Deben adjuntar la peticià ³n de esta categorà a que, si se concede, har que haya automticamente visas de inmigrantes para ellos. Tambià ©n debern contar con una autorizacià ³n policial (police clearance). Documentacià ³n a enviar dependiendo del caso de cada solicitante Solicitud de permiso de trabajo Si se desea tener uno se debe completar el formulario I-765. No pagar la cuota de este formulario porque ya est incluida en el pago del formulario I-485 para ajuste de estatus. Si inicialmente no se envà a la solicitud del permiso de trabajo y ms tarde se cambia de opinià ³n y se decide hacerlo, enviar el formulario sin pago. Pero en este caso se debe incluir una carta que se ha recibido del USCIS donde se confirma que hay un caso abierto de ajuste de estatus. Solicitud de permiso para viajar fuera de Estados Unidos y regresar Es lo que se conoce como advance parole. No es necesario pedirlo, pero puede hacerse. En cuestià ³n de pago de este formulario aplica lo que se ha dicho en el prrafo anterior para el permiso de trabajo. Waiver En algunos casos es necesario presentar tambià ©n el formulario I-601 para pedir un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como permiso. Son casos muy especà ficos y esto es un tema delicado que conviene tratar siempre con un abogado. Planilla G-28 Sà ³lo en los casos de contar con un abogado que lleva este caso. El solicitante de ajuste de estatus tambià ©n tiene que firmarla, si es que cuenta con asistencia de letrado o de un representante acreditado. Rà ©cords criminales En el formulario I-485 hay varias preguntas sobre posibles problemas con la ley, incluyendo el contacto con drogas. Y se pregunta especà ficamente no sà ³lo por acciones cometidas en los Estados Unidos sino tambià ©n en otros paà ses.à Pueden darse los siguientes casos: Primero: rà ©cord totalmente limpio. No se necesita hacer nada. Segundo: arrestado o detenido por cualquier fuerza del orden pero no se han presentado cargos. En estos casos solicitar la declaracià ³n oficial original de la policà a que realizà ³ el arresto o de la corte competente en la que se declare que no se presentaron cargos. Tercero: arrestado o detenido cuando se han presentado cargos. En este caso presentar original o copia certificada por corte del arresto y sus consecuencias: desestimacià ³n (dismissal), condena (conviction) o absolucià ³n (acquittal). Cuarto: Condenado o enviado a un centro de rehabilitacià ³n o de servicio comunitario. Se necesita original o copia certificada por corte de la condena y de haberla cumplido o de estar en libertad condicional.à Quinto: Arrestado o condenado pero cuyo arresto o condena ha sido declarado secreto o eliminado del rà ©cord. Se necesita original o copia certificada por corte de tal hecho. Es posible que no se sepa que se tiene una orden de deportacià ³n o de arresto dictada en contra. Si cabe la posibilidad, el mejor consejo es asegurarse de cul es la situacià ³n antes de enviar documentacià ³n al USCIS pidiendo un beneficio migratorio.à En cuanto a las meras infracciones de trfico, no suelen causar problemas, excepto en casos graves o cuando hay un problema de DWI (alcohol o drogas). Si hay problemas por delitos o faltas en el pasado, es el momento de hablar muy seriamente con un abogado. En algunos casos ser imposible obtener una aprobacià ³n del ajuste de estatus y no se sacar la green card. Pero en otros muchos ser posible pedir con à ©xito una waiver (tambià ©n conocido como perdà ³n o permiso). Lo que nunca debe hacerse es mentir porque es una violacià ³n migratoria con graves consecuencias. Y hay que tener en cuenta que el USCIS tiene acceso a bases de datos del FBI sobre todo tipo de delitos y faltas (incluidos los casos sellados o expurgados. No mentir con esto tampoco). Reglas generales Se recomienda adjuntar los originales cuando asà especà ficamente se pida, como por ejemplo en los casos de rà ©cords de policà a y de las cortes. En los dems casos, es suficiente una copia legible. Mientras se procesan los papeles se puede verificar de varias maneras el estatus del caso. Y siempreà lo mejor es no cambiar de lugar de residencia Pero si es necesario hacerlo, no olvidar el requisito fundamental de notificar ese cambio de domicilio al USCIS. Tomar este quiz - trivial o test, segà ºn el paà s - sobre cà ³mo obtener y conservar la tarjeta de residencia. Verificar que se conoce informacià ³n fundamental. Y una vez que se obtenga la tarjeta de residencia, a disfrutarla. Y considerar solicitar la ciudadanà a americana por naturalizacià ³n cuando se cumplan los plazos para poder pedirla. Este artà culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Healthcare Communication Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Healthcare Communication - Annotated Bibliography Example The methods used to get data on what constitutes communication breakdown among the practitioners were one- to- one interviews and a focus group. This article is useful in researching on the different challenges that bring about communication barriers among the medical providers, as well as the preferred remedy to these challenges. The authors indicate the use of a Joint Communication Note (JNC) as a preferred remedy where all the healthcare professionals will get and relay information from and to one another. This article is crucial to the research on the impact of effective communication amongst the healthcare practitioners. Through its findings, it may form the basis to the research though, not in its entirety. Oââ¬â¢Daniel, M., Rosenstein, H. A., (2008). Professional Communication and Team Collaboration. Patient safety and quality: Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. Retrieved from; http// In this article Oââ¬â¢Daniel & Rosenstein, have brought out the different techniques used to enhance communication among the healthcare providers. This article answers questions such as what ways would enhance communication amongst healthcare providers? What are the common barriers to communication amongst healthcare professionals? They have indicated some of the already used methods in healthcare facilities such as the Simulation- Background- Assessment- Recommendation (SBAR) technique and its effectiveness in enhancing communication. They also propose another method Medical Team Management (MTM) that heavily borrows from the aviation model known as Crew Resource Management (CRM). The strength of this technique is that it was tested and verified at Eglin USAF Regional Hospital and with its advocacy on group formation it can be used in researching the methods to help enhance communication among healthcare professionals. This book by Nemeth emphasizes on the importance of group work and socialization among
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Evolutionary Biology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Evolutionary Biology - Essay Example On the side of the table with 5 chairs, the guests seated are, in the order running from my end of the table to that with the empty chair: Charles Darwin, my brother Hunter, Carl Linnaeus, my sister Cara, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, and my dad John. Cast of Characters The seven guests gathered around the table from the start of the meal represent some of the greatest minds in genetics, evolutionary theory, and many other fields, from across the centuries. To begin with the guest seated at my right hand: Charles Darwin Despite the level of company gathered, Charles Darwin, who was born in Britain in 1809 and died in 1882, is one of the most distinguished guests. More than any other historical figure, he enjoys a widespread association with evolutionary theory. After periods of religious and scientific study in the UK, Darwin joined the naval research vessel HMS Beagle in December 1831, for what was to be a 5-year voyage around the world, and in the course of which he collected much of the data which would form the basis of his great work. He took samples and recorded findings from the Canary Islands, South America, the Galapagos Islands, New Zealand, Australia, Mauritius, and the Cape. While his work on fossils and in other fields was significant, it is for his theory of evolution and natural selection, as enshrined in the classic 1859 text, On the Origin of Species, that Darwin is principally remembered. His findings were accepted by most scientists within his lifetime, and he was honoured with a state funeral at Westminster Abbey, London. Carl Linnaeus Linnaeus lived in Sweden from 1707-1778, and is generally remembered for his work as a preeminent zoologist and botanist. Thanks to Linnaeusââ¬â¢ formidable work in collecting, examining, and classifying thousands of species, the work of organising and understanding different organisms and the way in which they relate to each other is now much easier. Indeed, Linnaeus created the framework which is now almost univ ersally used to differentiate organisms, in the form of his taxonomy and binomial nomenclature. The former is the hierarchy by which an organismââ¬â¢s relation to other organisms can be traced and understood; the latter is the method for naming and identifying organisms. Thomas Robert Malthus Malthus was a British thinker and clergyman who lived from 1766 to 1834. His interests were primarily in political economy and demographics, or the study of populations and their characteristics. While most of the guests at dinner tonight are equally interested in all aspects of life on earth, whether human or plant or animal, Malthus focused on trends in changing human populations, and the factors which drive them and check them. Wilhelm Weinberg Weinberg, a German Jewish scientist, lived from 1862 to 1937, and was based in Stuttgart for most of this time. While his important contribution to the study of genetics went unrecognized for several decades after his death, he is now acknowledged as a leading figure in this field of study, being credited with developing the principle of genetic equilibrium. Gregor Johann Mendel Gregor Mendel was, by vocation, a monk, living within the Austrian Empire from 1822 to 1844. He is now considered by many to be the founding father of the study of genetics, and is particularly well-known for his studies of variation in pea plants, of which he grew nearly 30,000 over the course of his studies. While the significance of his work was not fully realized until the early years of
Monday, November 18, 2019
Breast Feeding Versus Bottle Feeding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Breast Feeding Versus Bottle Feeding - Essay Example Theories about Breast Feeding Often linked inextricably with the phrase ââ¬Ëthe most natural thing in the worldââ¬â¢, breast feeding remains the most recommended and professionally supported method of feeding your newborn. Medical professionals recommend feeding your baby breast milk exclusively for the first 6 months (LICH Pediatrics, 2011). Other foods or formula should only be introduced gradually after this. The NHS website (2012) outlines the numerous advantages of breastfeeding for both you and your baby. The main benefits are; it is a source of optimal and natural nutrition which cannot be replicated, it builds babies immune system, it promotes a bond between mother and baby and it lowers the risk of infections, other common baby ailments and developing certain chronic diseases. Breast milk is also more easily absorbed and digested by babies compared to formula. Of course the practicality of breastfeeding is also a plus; itââ¬â¢s available anytime, itââ¬â¢s always a suitable temperature and itââ¬â¢s free. It also has health benefits for mum as it speeds up metabolism and helps in losing excess weight after childbirth. Studies have also shown that breast feeding yields a protective effect in mums against developing premenopausal breast cancer, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis (Kumar, 2012). Theories about Bottle Feeding Bottle feeding is an option many mothers choose. Very often, mothers simply are not comfortable breast feeding and turn to bottle feeding as an alternative. Nowadays, commercially prepared infant formulas are of a very high nutritional quality and are designed to mimic breast milk as much as possible (LICH Paediatrics, 2011). Though most feeding theories recommend the breast over the bottle, they do still acknowledge the many advantages bottle feeding offers. It is convenient and flexible, and makes public feeding an easier and less worrisome event for some mothers compared to breast feeding. It can also be pre-prepared when needed and the fact that anyone can bottle feed the baby means that mum does not need to be present at all feeding sessions, which is especially relevant to busy or working mothers.. However, it is important to remember that is has been proven that formula cannot match the nutritional composition of breast milk. Studies have even found an association between artificial formula feeding and an increased risk of childhood cancer (Kumar, 2012). Other studies have suggested that artificial feeding increases the risk of some medical conditions such as celiac disease, compared to breast fed babies. More practical disadvantages are that it is also the more expensive feeding method, costing new mums anywhere up to ?80 per week. What Do Most Mothers Go For And Why? It seems that the majority of new mothers in the UK choose to breast feed. The NHS (2011) reported that initial breastfeeding rates in 2010 were 83% in England, 74% in Scotland, 71% in Wales, and 64% in Northern Ireland. It also re ported a significant increase in breastfeeding since 2005. The fact that more and more research supports breast feeding over formula, and society is slowly becoming more comfortable with the naturalness of breast feeding, means that an increasing number of women see breast feeding as the best choice for them and for their baby. It is also interesting to note that the Milupa Aptamil
Friday, November 15, 2019
Strategic analysis of Marks and Spencer
Strategic analysis of Marks and Spencer Marks Spencer is one the UKs leading retailers, having 600 stores in home country and more than 200 stores across the globe. Michael Marks started the penny bazaar stall at Leeds in 1884. After Michael Marks Simon Marks became a chairman of MS in 1926 to 1964. MS is well known for its quality and styles (Hawkesby, 2008). MS Analysis Value for money:- In 1884 when Michael Mark started a business, he did not have a good command on English language so he had a sign on his stall: Dont ask the price- Its just a penny. In 2009 MS chairman Sir Stuart Rose launched three days return of penny bazaar. During these three days 20 selected items were sold at 1p at 300 MS branches (Sibbles Carter, 2009). The main point is can that slogan work in todays competitive market? It cannot work in todays market. MS is one of the UKs largest retailers. It sells various items in its stores. The cost of production of these goods is not same so they cannot sell their goods on same price like Michael Marks was selling in 1884. Even if they diversify the profit earn from the other good to the other goods, which will not help them to achieve break even sales. For example profit on milk cannot set up the loss on selling of bread. Now a day all rivals of MS are trying to achieve lowest production cost. All are trying to put more value for money for their prod uct by obtaining maximum benefit with the less use of resources. Value for money does not mean reduce spending but it can be achieved in diverse ways with: Reduce cost Reduce inputs Get more improvement in product quality Increase output with less input of raw material Marks Spencer is to position itself as a value for money brand, and admits it has too expensive. Prices will come down as it encourages suppliers to source more products abroad. In todays tough competition MS is trying to put more and more value of money in their products. To reduce cost of goods, they suggest their supplier to import goods form the other countries. They have improved their inventories and logistics. Resources and core competences: Physical resources: Each organisation has same resources as its competitors have but the way it manages use their resources differentiate from others. For example MS is having the same store sites in UK as Tesco, Sainsburys and ASDA have. MS is having following physical resources: Value for money product: By the use of appropriate resources MS has got the good value for its products. Today they have their own brands which are very popular in todays competitive market. They are continuous trying to develop their products that will help them to survive in the retail industry. However most of their suppliers are UK based so they are still facing product cost problems. Own brands products: MS is using their own brand name for each and every product. They have achieved good quality standards. They are the first retail chain which sells their own brands. They do not world famous brands in their stores like Coca-Cola, Nestle, and Cadbury etc. Despite of selling own brands they have maintain their quality standards. However it is quite difficult for some loyal customers of MS to buy other popular brands in MS stores. They have to go to other retailers for purchase other than MS brands. This is quite unrealistic in todays cut throat competition; it results many of MS loyal customers switch over to its rivals such as Tesco and Sainsburys. Store sites and store displays: As we know Marks Spencer has established long time ago, they have found that many of their stores are too small. They have planned to expand their store area by converting their stock rooms into floor area. That brings new logistic problem. They have found new solution as a satellite stores. They have started to distribute stocks to small braches from the main branch. However they have long range of food products it is very difficult to manage these perishable food items without stockrooms. Core competences: Core competences mean some factors which differentiate a product or a brand from others. As we know Marks Spencer has long range of products produced under its brand name. The quality of product is better than the other brands. They always try to provide more value of money to its customer. Strategic vision and organisation culture:- Increases the markets share in UK with own product and with own unbeatable quality standards is the main vision of Marks Spencer. It had much more autocratic organisation structure. However it has been changed with the time change. Now the organisation structure has been transfer to flatter organisation structure. The member of staff can take quick decisions when its required and it provides more accountability (The times). SWOT of Marks Spencer:- Strengths: MS is using its own brand name with the wide product range. St Michel brand is very popular, used for cloths and food product. It has competitive prices advantages, it has increase overseas important. It has expanded its business not only in UK but all over the world. With their own brand name they booked pre tax profit of à £1bn in 1988 (Hawkesby, 2008). It has very favourable location on high street which attracts more and more customers. It has some particular group of loyal customers. MS has strong work force and skilled staff. New changes by new chief executive Roger Holmes brings new opportunities in retail business. Tighter staffing level increase operational funds. Weakness:- In todays cut throat competition, MS is struggling with the high cost of production. Its focusing on particular class of society which narrows the scope of number of customers. Weak logistic reduce the availability of goods and products. Reduce the number of staff results poor customer service. Depends on local supplier results high cost of production. Tough competition in food market such as Tesco, Sainsburys and Asda enter in fast and frozen food market. In 2008 its over all sales were 6.2% down and even though inflation in grocery products its food sales were down by 4.5% (Finch, 2008). Opportunity:- MS can diversify their business like other retailers have done e.g. Tesco mobile, Tesco finance, Sainsbury finance etc. With diversification Marks Spencer can expand their area of business and they can transfer the profit earn by different sectors. MS can increase the number of products with its famous brand name St. Michel. MS can go for the franchisee to increase their number of customers and it will help them to increase the share of in market. Threats:- MS has started to sell other brands in their stores which may reduce the popularity of their own brands. If MS will try to diversify their business it may creates shortage of funds. MS has closed down many of their stores due to raise the funds which may cause the negative effect on their share prices. Due to closing down some stores, it will lose market share. PESTEL of Marks Spencer :- Political:- Marks Spencer has been operated in more than 40 countries. It is highly influenced by the political changes in these countries, e.g. if the government of UK changes immigration law than it may be affect MS migrant staff. Now a day the governments inspires retailers to offer mix job of flexible, lower paid and locally based jobs to highly skilled, higher paid and centrally located jobs (Balchin, 1994). Economical:- UK economy is developed economy, per capita income is more than the other developing countries. It is favourable factor for MS. however the cost of production is also high in UK that is unfavourable factor. It reduces the margin of profit of the company. Social:- The population of UK is growing slow and the number of working women is increasing it boost sales of MS food products. UK is the fashion hub that means there is a great opportunity of branded and stylist clothes. Technological:- Online shopping is taking place of store chopping which can reduce the investment cost in new stores. Self-checkout tills are available to reduce queue time. Environmental:- Now a day more and more retail stores are using recycled bags and packing materials which cost is very less and they are getting cost benefit from. The environmental laws are also very strict in UK. Legal: UKs labour law is very strict rather than other countries. It strictly follows human right laws in which employees can be protected from the employer. Question 2- MS before 1990 Success of MS strategy:- Simon Marks put MS on the new level of growth. During his leadership many strategic changes has been made such as diversification. They have product rages not only in food products but also in clothing, groceries etc. He introduced todays popular St. Michael brand name. It differed the MS from its competitors. The expansion program had been taken placed which expand store area. However with this expansion several problems occurred like logistic problem. They were expanding their business at international level. Porter 5 forces:- Threat of new entrants:- The UK food market is dominated by very less competitors like Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys and Marks Spencer. Out of these companies Tesco is having monopoly in UK retail industry. The entry barriers in food industry are very tough in UK because of health and safety law. However in clothing industry, there are so many competitors in UK like NEXT, River Island etc. MS are the only one who does food and branded clothing together. Bargaining power of suppliers:- It should be noted that MS is relying on very few UK based suppliers which increases suppliers bargaining power which results high cost of products for MS. therefore MS is planning to source products from abroad at cheaper rate. Asda is having huge bargaining power with its supplier because it imports goods form overseas. Bargaining power of customers:- In UK food and clothing industry the customers are having nice bargaining power. In UK customers believes in bulk shopping. If they find some products very cheaper in one store they will but other products from same store. MS is having monopoly in its food quality and its clothes are very fashionable and trendy clothes which are customers favourite. Other super markets are expanding their business in banking, pharmacies etc. e.g. Tesco finance and Tesco mobile. That will increase customers bargaining power. Threat of substitutes:- Today competition is very tough in both food and cloth markets. MS is having its own St. Michael brand for cloths, in fashion industry fashion cannot sustain it changes when time changes. MS is having threat from its competitors in cloth industry. MS have to change their designs according to current fashion demand. Rivalry:- Rivalry increases if the number of firms increases. In UK there are very few super market chains existing. They all compete for the market share, the rapid food industry growth increases rivalry. On the other side food is a perishable good which increases the rivalry. MS, Tesco, Asda and Sainsburys all are trying their best to sell food products. On the other side in cloth marker MS have to face both super market competition and individual brands competition. Question 3- MS After 1990 Weak Strategy:- Despite of serving good quality of product, MS is losing its market share in retail industry. They have taken its eye off from the customers, it means they believe that if your image and reputation is good that means you satisfied your customers. On the other side its rivals Tesco and Asda increase the relationship with the customers. MS was much more relying in its suppliers to maintain good quality standards which results high cost of goods sold. MS is suffering from high cost of goods so it is very difficult to sustain its market share and it also increases the competition. MS was suffering from old fashioned clothes. It was popular for trendy cloths but now the time has been changed and customers needs highly fashionable clothes. Two new strategic approaches:- Stuart Rose the new chief executive of Marks Spencer has implied many changes after he joined MS. The former CEO Holmes has put 400 other brand products in MS to increase both sells and customers interest. However Stuart Rose is planning to cut the number of outside product to 100 which is not a wise decision (BBC, 2010). He is planning to refocus on MS brands but it should be noted that today there so many different brands are used by different customers. If he plans to imply this idea, MS may be lost his more market share in retail industry. His changes for cloth products are appreciable and it will raise the sales of cloths of MS. He should also think about unrelated diversification e.g. he can start MS mobile or in related diversification he can increase the number of food products. Conclusion:- As part of huge retail industry MS has to make some thorough changes in its strategy. It should have to sell other brand. This will help it to gain sustainability in this competitive market. It is very popular for its clothes and its food quality standards. These will help it to increase number of loyal customers. More and more products sourced from overseas will help it to compete in the price. Word Count: 2251
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essay --
Jakob Wenman Lab 7: Yeast Metabolism BIOL 1220 Section: 001 3/11/14 TA: Paul Williamsââ¬Æ' Introduction: Yeasts are able to convert carbon sources, like sugars, into ethanol, without air. Yeasts also change sugars into carbon dioxide and water, when air is present (Leady. 2014). When cellular respiration requires oxygen, it is known as aerobic cellular respiration (Leady. 2014). Carbon counts are important because they give the number of carbons in monosaccharide molecules. Glucose has a carbon count of six. Fructose has a carbon count of six. Sucrose has a carbon count of twelve (Leady. 2014). Question: Which form of yeast will produce the highest amount of gas? Hypothesis: Yeast metabolizes simple carbohydrates than it does complex carbohydrates. Prediction: I predict that Fructose, Glucose, and Sucrose will produce more gas than Starch. Methods: The methods used for this lab came from Leady, B. (2014) Fundamentals of Life Science Lab Manual. Toledo, Ohio: University of Toledo. No changes were made. Results: At the end of the 30 minute time period, the starch solution ...
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management Essay
1) Select a technology from 1850 to the present. Describe how it has affected productivity A technology that comes to mind is server virtualization. We use them every day in the government as we work toward going green, lower cost, increasing productivity. Since the migration to the virtual servers we were able to cut paper files by à ¾. We use a digital contract file now instead of a 6 pile folder with hundreds of page. Another reason the army has choosing to go this way is so it can spread the cost of maintenance and repair across several customers with shared servers. This results in a lower price per base. Then there is the Virtual conference, which saves millions of dollar. Now youââ¬â¢re asking how this affect productivity does well with virtual contract files any base has access to them with save on efficiencies, be abilities to collaborate with like minds to gain more knowledge, also to form comradely. 2)Identify the transformation that takes place in a restaurant. In a restaurant you are buying a meal but also the environment and the service. In many cases the value of inputs is measured in financial terms, which is say that organizations aim to make a profit like the Hard Rock Cafà ©. To increase efficiency managers are always seeking ways of producing more with the same level of inputs or producing the same amount with fewer inputs. Some ways to improve the productivity in the service-sector are changing working practices, investing in new technology like the ERP, motivating and inspiring staff more effectively and changing the way items are produced (Heizer & Render, 2005). With the use of ERP restaurantsà wastage should be reduced at all stages of the production process. It includes Just in Time production in which items are produced to order rather than in advance (Heizer & Render, 2005). Lean production also includes a technique known as kaizen which aims to use the knowledge of employees to find ways of continuously improving the way things are done (Heizer & Render, 2005). Manages are continually reviewing what they provide better. Given ongoing changes in the competitive environment with new competitors, new demands and new technologies adding value is a dynamic process. Managers need to be looking constantly at the business environment to identify changes that could be of value to them or could possibly harm them. Interestingly any change will have different effects on different organizations. (3) The computer ââ¬â especially the PC ââ¬â is believed to be responsible for much of the increased productivity in the 1990s. What do think will be the ââ¬Å"next big thingâ⬠to have a major impact on national and global productivity? The ââ¬Å"next big thingâ⬠that will have a major impact on the national and global productivity is the advancements in wireless technology. In todayââ¬â¢s time there are millions of mobile professionals worldwide due to the major strides that the wireless community has taken. Organizations use wireless technologies to solve every day problems and create an advantage over their companion. Using wireless technologies help them work more productively, by having better customer satisfaction, which means an increase of sales. Organization is finding that wireless has provided more flexibility to configure an office and can improve both the productivity and the moral in the work place. New standards based technologies offer improved methods to authenticate and better secure devices, helping to ensure that only authorized users can gain access to these networks. Which, I see firsthand every day working in a government agency our black berries have CAC reads sled which read our cre dentials before we can view emails. The widespread reliance on networking in business as well as the growth of the internet and online services is strong testimonies to the benefits of data and resources (Wireless Technology). Wireless solutions have advances these benefits by allowing users to access shared information, emails, and differentà applications without the constraints of the wired connection. Wireless technologies have also allowed network managers to set up or add to the networks without installing or removing wires. A wireless solution offers productivity, convenience and overall cost saving then the traditional wired networks (Wireless Technology). (4) What is the role of the World Trade Organization (WTO)? Do you see it as primarily good or bad for the U.S? The role of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is to oversee trade agreements including a wide range of goods and services trade and supervises all government practices that are directly related to trade, such as tariffs, subsidies, government procurement, and trade-related intellectual property rights (, 2011). Here are some reasons why the WTO isnââ¬â¢t good for the USA. The WTO acts as the legislature, the executive and the judiciary in matters of world trade. The WTO allows countries to sue each other. This has been primarily used by the wealthy countries to push around the smaller, less developed nations. Under the WTO, the monolithic corporations who benefit the most from free trade can easily push around the smallest and least developed nations. Under the globalized system of free trade we are all living under, all wealth is slowly but surely being transferred into the hands of the very wealthy while the rest of us are left standing around trying to figure out how th e game was rigged. The WTO forces the United States to open its doors to unsafe products. Under the WTO, labor has become a global commodity (Globalism Destroys) (5) Identify one discipline and one technology that you think will contribute in a major way to the future development of OM and describe why they will contribute According to the course text, Operations Management (OM) is described as the set of activities that creates value in the form of goods and services by transforming inputs into outputs. (Heizer & Render, 2005) OM is also a discipline that has applications in several industries including services and manufacturing. The discipline and technology I believe that willà contribute in a major way to the future development of OM is Supply-Chain Management and advances in process technologies. Advances in these areas will ease transactions between businesses thereby facilitating sustaining engineering and improvement for Operations and Management. One way is by using Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) as ââ¬Å"wireless systems that allow a device to read information contained in a wireless device or ââ¬Å"tagâ⬠from a distance without making a physical contact or requiring a line of sight between the two(GAO,2005). RFID provides a method to transmit and receive data from one point to another.â⬠RFID is an automatic identification method relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or transponders. Reference Heizer, J., & Render, B. (2005). Operations Management. In J. Heizer, & B. Render, Operations Management (pp. 212-213). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall. (2012, Nov 25). Retrieved 25 November 20121, from World Trade Organization: Globalism Destroys America: 10 Reasons Why The World Trade Organization Is Bad For The United States Economy, Posted By admin On September 7, 2010 @ 3:09 am In Money Watch | Comments Disabled OM ForumThe Best Things in Life Were Free:On the Technology of Transactions,( 2012, Nov 25), Paul Zipkin ( GAO, 2005, (2012, Nov 25). Wireless Technology rev 3, (2012 Nov 28).
Friday, November 8, 2019
Short Story Summary â⬠Creative Writing (I have not thought of a title yet)
Short Story Summary ââ¬â Creative Writing (I have not thought of a title yet) Free Online Research Papers Chapter 1 The main character Emma has received an invitation in the mail for her parentsââ¬â¢ 30 year wedding anniversary. Plenty of thoughts are running through her head as she discusses this party with her best friend Nicole and her brother Rob. Mainly, the fact that her parents have been together this long is a mystery and is somewhat confusing to her and her relationships with her mother and father. Sheââ¬â¢s an adult now and has realized that she must come to terms with her childhood and she has questions that she needs answered so that she can go on with her own life. Chapter 2 Itââ¬â¢s 1966 and the story starts with Emmaââ¬â¢s mother, Joanne. Joanne is 18 and starting at a Teacherââ¬â¢s College where she meets her soon to be best and lifelong friend Rita. Rita and Joanne are total opposites. This chapter summarizes their 4 years in schoolâ⬠¦ they become young women. Chapter 3 After completing school (itââ¬â¢s 1970) they both land jobs teaching at an elementary school in a small town. This chapter deals with them getting to know the town, finding a place to live, meeting some of the locals (who will show up later in the story) and touches on Joanneââ¬â¢s newfound feelings of independence and maturity. Chapter 4 Joanne and Rita meet their future husbands at a party one night. Joanne is drawn to a young guy named Griffin Bennett. Finn (as he is called in the story) is a smoker and a drinker and unlike anyone Joanne has ever known. Meanwhile, Rita gets together with his friend Steve. Soon Joanne and Finn are inseparable and although she is still pretty prim and proper she ends up pregnant after sleeping with Finn for the first time. They have a shotgun wedding and son, Robert, is born 5 months after the wedding. Daughter Emma comes 2 years later. Rita and Steve wed as well and daughter Nicole is born the same year as Emma. Finn takes a job as a carpenter and they settle into a small house. Joanne stays home with the kids. Things are very happy for awhile. Chapter 5 Itââ¬â¢s Emmaââ¬â¢s 5th birthday (1976) and Joanne has arranged a party. Finn is late and when he finally shows up he drinks quite a bit and acts like an ass. Meanwhile Rita tells Joanne that Steve has bought the company he works for and they are doing really well financially as opposed to Finn and Joanne who struggle. It is evident that things are not going too well but Joanne defends Finn and keeps hoping things/he will turn around. At the end of the chapter it is evident that the girls (Emma and Nicole) are going to witness a lot of the uneasiness/unhappiness that will unfold. Research Papers on Short Story Summary - Creative Writing (I have not thought of a title yet)Hip-Hop is ArtStandardized TestingNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceTwilight of the UAWThe Spring and AutumnEffects of Television Violence on Children19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraQuebec and CanadaHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionThree Concepts of Psychodynamic
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Why Iq Tests Dont Test Intelligence Essays - Psychometrics
Why Iq Tests Don't Test Intelligence Essays - Psychometrics Why Iq Tests Don't Test Intelligence Why IQ tests don't test intelligence The task of trying to quantify a persons intelligence has been a goal of psychologists since before the beginning of this century. The Binet-Simon scales were first proposed in 1905 in Paris, France and various sorts of tests have been evolving ever since. One of the important questions that always comes up regarding these tools is what are the tests really measuring? Are they measuring a persons intelligence? Their ability to perform well on standardized tests? Or just some arbitrary quantity of the persons IQ? When examining the situations around which these tests are given and the content of the tests themselves, it becomes apparent that however useful the tests may be for standardizing a groups intellectual ability, they are not a good indicator of intelligence. To issue a truly standardized test, the testing environment should be the same for everyone involved. If anything has been learned from the psychology of perception, it is clear that a persons environment has a great deal to do with their cognitive abilities. Is the light flickering? Is the paint on the walls an unsettling shade? Is the temperature too hot or too cold? Is the chair uncomfortable? Or in the worst case, do they have an illness that day? To test a persons mind, it is necessary to utilize their body in the process. If everyones body is placed in different conditions during the testing, how is it expected to get standardized results across all the subjects? Because of this assumption that everyone will perform equally independent of their environment, intelligence test scores are skewed and cannot be viewed as standardized, and definitely not as an example of a persons intelligence. It is obvious that a persons intelligence stems from a variety of traits. A few of these that are often tested are reading comprehension, vocabulary, and spatial relations. But this is not all that goes into it. What about physical intelligence, conversational intelligence, social intelligence, survival intelligence, and the slew of others that go into everyday life? Why are these important traits not figured into intelligence tests? Granted, normal standardized tests certainly get predictable results where academics are concerned, but they should not be considered good indicators of general intelligence because of the glaring omissions they make in the testing process. To really gauge a persons intelligence, it would be necessary to put them through a rigorous set of real-life trials and document their performance. Otherwise the standardized IQ tests of today are testing an extremely limited quality of a persons character that can hardly be referred to as intelligence. For the sake of brevity, I will quickly mention a few other common criticisms of modern IQ tests. They have no way to compensate for cultural differences. People use different methods to solve problems. Peoples reading strategies differ. Speed is not always the best way to tackle a problem. There is often too much emphasis placed on vocabulary. Each of these points warrants individual treatment, and for more information refer to The Triarchic Mind by RJ Sternberg (Penguin Books, 1988, p18-36). It is possible to classify all the reasons that IQ tests fail at their task into two main groups. The first grouping is where the tests assume too much. Examples of this flaw are the assumption that speed is always good, vocabulary is a good indicator of intelligence, and that different test taking environments wont affect the outcome. The second grouping comes because the tests gauge the wrong items. Examples of this are different culture groups being asked to take the same tests as everyone else, and the fact that the tests ignore so many types of intelligence (like physical, social, etc). These two groupings illustrate where the major failings of popular IQ tests occur and can be used as tools for judging others. IQ tests are not good indicators for a persons overall intelligence, but as their use has shown, they are extremely helpful in making predictions about how a person will perform in an academic setting. Perhaps the problem comes in the name intelligence tests when it is obvious this is not what they really are. The modern IQ test definitely has its applications in todays society but should be be used to quantify a persons overall intelligence by any means.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Milk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Milk - Essay Example There are many alternative drinks today including soda, juice and yoghurt, among others, hence affecting the consumption of fluid milk. This commercial begins with a small African American girl sitted on a supermarket cart. While drinking juice, she is approached by a stranger who is an African American woman. The stranger appears physically unhealthy and tired. She tells the young girl that she is her from the future. The girl gives her a rather disappointed look. The stranger gives the girl a packet of milk before she magically transforms into an athlete with a healthy look. She asks the girl to keep drinking the milk. She then races with two other athletes and emerges the winner. Later, an older African American woman is seen next to the girl grabbing many milk packets and putting them in her cart. The audience of this commercial is specifically parents, young people, and children. This is because the commercial features people of different ages. A young girl, an elderly woman, and young ladies. This could possibly mean that fluid milk is beneficial to people of all ages. There are different words that are said in this commercial, which are of great importance. When the strange African American woman approaches the young girl, she tells her that she is her (the young girl) from the future. This strange woman appears unhealthy and tired, and at this moment, the young girl was drinking juice. These words probably meant that drinking juices alone and not milk will not make the young girl grow to become healthy and energetic in future. She will appear weak as the strange woman. The young girl answered, ââ¬Å"You are me?â⬠with a disappointed look. This shows that everyone wants or desires to be healthy and energetic in future. Hence the young girl did not like the unhealthy appearance of the stranger. From this commercial, the health benefits of fluid milk are unveiled at the point where the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Ethics in an informations society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Ethics in an informations society - Essay Example In addition, this aspect of ethics should have to be an environmental ethics in support of the information. In this scenario, ethics could be defined as the ideologies or ways leading an individual or business or standard of performance in the society (Floridi, 2001; Bynum, 2008; ArifSari, 2011). This paper discusses the basics and importance of ethics in information society. The basic aim of this research is to proficiently analyze the basic ethical aspects such as responsibility, accountability, and liability. Basics of Ethics The practice of information technology IT is upgrading a lot of aspects of individual effort and way of life. It seems to be doubtful that what are challenges and the societal and ethical inferences of these improvements? The bases of these challenges are the several means wherein an individual is able to conceive as well as understand the practice of IT or society inter-association. All of these ways of formation and elucidation allow an individual to discri minate the society association or IT in a different way and consequently interpret its social as well as ethical inferences in a diverse way. This access is related to an approach which is acknowledged as the phenomenological approach to understand IT along with its social and ethical suggestions (Introna, 2005; Froehlich, 2004). Moreover during the last few years, information ethics emerged as a field of study in information science and library sciences, however the area or the expression has been changed with the passage of time and it started capturing several other areas of interest and research. Actually, it could be seen as a convergence of the ethical doubts of media, reporting, information and library sciences disciplines, computer ethics comprising cyber-world ethics, MIS, web based technology and the business framework (Introna, 2005; Froehlich, 2004). Ethics in Constructing Information Society The technological frameworks which offer the basis for the information society or ICTs are proposed through the integration of principles and values. Additionally, sometimes these principles are not identified by the designer, as in recent times we can see obvious principles for instance the security of individual confidentiality which is allowed to be utilized openly. In this scenario, the basic purpose behind designing the WWW (World Wide Web) was to offer a decentralized distribution of data as well as information, available for all individuals. In addition, ease of access by all societal groups is currently one of the prime concerns of the information society, highlighting the identical privileges of each associate of the society. However, the analysis of a lot of technical professionals is that the methodologies they propose are only tools as well as worth free (Duquenoy, 2009). Basic Ethical Concepts Ethics means to understand the beliefs that persons as well as
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